GWHCC's response to COVID19
The Goldfields Womens Health Care Centre is committed to delivering our services while keeping our clients and community as safe as possible. We are updating our practices daily in accordance with new information received from the West Australian Health Department. The following proactive measures are in place to ensure the safety of our clients, staff and women who may be feeling vulnerable. We are continuing with Counselling, Unplanned Pregnancy Counselling Peri & Post Natal Counselling and monthly GP Clinic for health information and referral Appointments can be over the phone or by the Video conferencing software ZOOM, depending on your preference. This enables social distancing and makes it easier for you to make contact with us in your home without having to travel. The GP clinic is still face-to-face at this stage with the social distancing protocols in place. All other group sessions and workshops are currently on hold while we investigate online alternatives.
The next clinic is on Thursday 16th April and we still have appointments available. Please contact the centre 90 218266 or to secure your appointment. Our Centre hours are now Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - 9am to 4pm. We are not a crisis service, but we will return messages left on our answering machine or Facebook messages when we return to the office on those days. During these hours, our office will still be open to answer any queries or to book appointments. I would like to personal thank my Board, Staff, loyal member and the Goldfields community for your ongoing support during these unprecedented times. Rest assured the GWHCC will continue to provide services to ensure that we get through this challenging time together. Please do not hesitate please contact me on 0407711445 or Stay well, practice physical distancing please remember to connect socially with all the platforms available. The GWHCC will keep you updated via our pages Visit Website or Facebook Visit Website Warm regards Gloria Moyle -CEO |